6 Tips About Preventing Prostrate Cancer

Posted by writer on Monday, October 24, 2011

Did you know that in the U.S., it is estimated that more than 28,000 people die annually from prostrate cancer? However, thanks to early detection, most men who are diagnosed with this type of malignancy have survival rates almost ninety-eight posto.Savjeta in this article may help increase survival rates for you.

Although prostrate cancer can occur in men over the age of fifty is extremely rare. When it does not happen under 50 years, some doctors feel that may be associated with DNA from a family of genes or abnormal problem with the hormone testosterone. Just because it is rare in men under 50, this does not mean that you can start preparing ourselves to fight against prostrate disease early in life.

One of the most important steps you can take to help prevent cancer, prostrate, or otherwise, is to do your best to have a healthy lifestyle. One of the main lifestyle changes you can make is to quit smoking if you smoke. Recent studies have found no direct link from smoking to prostrate cancer, but it is considered that can have an adverse effect on the DNA of malignant growth causing it to spread more rapidly through the prostrate and other body parts. (Journal of Urology (Vol. 169: 512-516 ).

is not only that smoking accelerates the spread of cancer cells throughout the body, it also causes great damage to the entire respiratory system. This can lead to problems with your immune system, which is a major contributor to the prevention of any disease, let alone cancer.

Other studies have shown that a healthy diet can reduce the chances of an early set of prostrate cancer and its severity. Those diets that are high in fiber and natural vitamins your body requires, have been shown to be very useful. Furthermore, your natural defenses increases with this type of diet.

When discussing diet you always brought up the subject of exercise. Some other studies have shown that a sober lifestyle leads to a reduction in body's natural defense system. Exercise has been shown to help the immune system that runs on top of skills. So, not only will help you helpless, but still less chance of contracting other life threatening diseases. This leads us to another piece of advice that may be useful for you.

Early detection is absolutely essential to increase survival rates for cancer victims, helpless, or otherwise. One of the recommendations being touted is that the first PSA pattern around 40 years. However, there is much controversy about this recommendation. Thos against him, they said it would be premature to show any results. While they were for him he said he would give a record for comparison as a person ages.

Now we need to give some advice. Regardless of which camp your doctor is important for you to discuss your concerns with your liječnikom.Savjeti provided in this article on prostrate cancer for informational purposes only. It should not be considered or taken as medical advice.

Although prostrate cancer can be life threatening illness, with proper treatment and lifestyle changes, the chances of prostrate cancer is the actual cause of your death are small.

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How Sex Can Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Many people believe that the sex may actually help to prevent prostate cancer. This article looks at her and explores how and why sex can help prevent prostate cancer or not. But, of course - before you take any advice in this article, make sure that you consult with your doctor. Your doctor holding a final tip, because they are professionals and they should know more about you to give you the right advice about health.

It's true that sex can help prevent this condition. It's really simple, if you look at it usko.Činjenica that space must be in good health to prevent cancer prostate.Proširenja and unhealthiness of the prostate is what usually contributes to this disease. It goes without saying, therefore, that keeping the prostate healthy and clean as possible will help prevent prostate cancer, and even other types of cancer.

If you're wondering what's sex got to do with keeping the prostate healthy and clean - keep reading. You see, more to participate in sex, and type "clean up" prostate. Do sex and ejaculation, you are "cleared" of the prostate and this may help somewhat in preventing this disease.

Although all health and prostate cancer experts did not accept that sex can actually help prevent prostate cancer, but a lot of them think they can. However, whether or not you can prevent prostate cancer, it really does not hurt to engage in healthy sex as often as you can. Note that I said - a healthy sex -. And that sex with one partner or safe sex

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Psa Bounce After Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer: Keeping An Eye On The Ball

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the prostate gland. It is measured in blood and is a useful tool for monitoring people who have been treated for prostate cancer. Does PSA elevation after radiation, whether in prostate seed implant and / or external beam radiation therapy, always means disease recurrence?

In the past, PSA elevation after a prostate seed implants or external beam radiation therapy is considered a harbinger of prostate cancer relapse, often prompting expensive tests and invoking a lot of patient anxiety. Then, when the PSA level rose to 10 ng / ml or greater, men were placed on hormonal therapy. Since the latter is associated with a number of unpleasant side effects, it is advisable to refrain from the use of hormonal therapy, unless potrebno.Onda the question: When you rise in the PSA level does not mean that cancer has returned?
This phenomenon is known as a PSA bounce, in which the PSA level jumps up within one to three years after the man ended zračenja.Razina PSA finally returns to the base to be achieved only after treatment. PSA bounce May be caused by the death of the damaged cancer cells to release their PSA.

PSA bounce usually starts with less than one point (less than 1 ng / ml) increase in PSA level. Also, elevated PSA level after three years are less likely to be part of the bounce, and unlike the bounce, rising PSA level more than 1.2ng/ml are less likely to fall back to its starting point.

A recent study collected data on 7500 men treated for prostate cancer with radiation. Almost half of these people have found that the PSA bounce. However, there was no negative impact on their survival. In fact, these people are gone as well as men whose PSA does not bounce. Also, patients who show such a PSA bounce less than two years after treatment May be less likely to have cancer return later.

More good news is that now doctors are aware that the elevation level of PSA does not necessarily mean prostate cancer has recurred, men whose PSA pillows after radiation therapy can be accompanied by their physicians, who can repeat the PSA blood test six months later .

More aboutPsa Bounce After Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer: Keeping An Eye On The Ball

Prostate Cancer Treatment With Radiation Therapy

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

There are several treatment options for prostate cancer that are available. Radiation therapy, more commonly known as radiotherapy, is the most commonly prescribed treatment for prostate cancer. Radiation therapy kills cancer cells with their high-energy beams of radiation. Although the technology is already far advanced compared to many years ago, still, some normal body cells inevitably get killed in the process tretmana.Gubitak in normal cells result in some side effects that occur.

Radiation therapy for prostate cancer can be used for all stages of the disease. If you are diagnosed as having early stage prostate cancer, then radiation therapy can be used on its own. In this case, there is no need for surgery. Advanced stages of cancer may require surgery after the course of radiation therapy for relief of pain associated with the disease.

There are two main ways in which radiation can be used as a treatment for prostate cancer, internally and externally. Type of radiotherapy will be recommended that will be based on the circumstances and extent of your cancer. You should get more information about treatments and how they work from their oncologists.

prostate cancer treatment known as brachytherapy or internal radiation therapy, works microbeads implanted with radioactive material directly into your cancerous tissue. These microbeads to kill cancerous cells in the immediate blizini.Vrlo small number of normal body cells are also damaged in the process. You May also suffer fewer side effects, such as leakage of urine and / or penile dysfunction.

After internal radiation therapy in the treatment of prostate cancer will mean you have to go through keyhole surgery. This is a one-time process and involves a short hospital stay. It is relatively expensive, however. Therefore, your doctor will usually recommend this option, in which a drug is still very possible. In the case where the cancerous cells have not spread to other parts of the body

External radiation is more commonly prescribed for prostate cancer treatment. You may have to go to the hospital as often as five times a week. In this case, the radiation beam penetrates through the skin, muscle and fat before it reaches the cancerous tissue and prostate. Many normal body cells may be damaged. So with this form of treatment tend to experience more and varied adverse effects than the previous option.

During the treatment of prostate cancer, you May lose some of their pubic hair permanently. You May feel sore and dry the area being treated. You May also suffer from incontinence, urinary and intestinal discomfort. There is also the possibility of impotence and affect the tissues around the prostate. Hopefully, medical advances may one day so that less of normal body cells get damaged in the process.

Radiotherapy can be a laborious process to go through. During this period, you are advised to take plenty of rest and put all their worries aside.

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